Integrity reveals beauty…
-Thomas J Leonard

Integrity reveals beauty…
-Thomas J Leonard

Integrity reveals beauty…
-Thomas J Leonard

Spotlight on Integrity

Meetings of the Board of Commissioners and its Committees are open to the public. The Board meets on the second Tuesday at 9AM and the fourth Tuesday at 6:30PM.
On the first Tuesday of each month, the Planning & Policy Committee meets at 9AM and the Finance and Committee meets at 10AM. On the third Tuesday of the month, the Health and Human Services Committee meets at 9AM and the Talent and Recruitment Committee meets at 10AM.
Located at the Ottawa County Fillmore Complex:
12220 Fillmore Street
West Olive, MI 49460
Phone: (616) 738-4000
Check out our YouTube Channel!
Learn more about Ottawa Integrity PAC, get to know our dedicated board members, and witness the positive impact we’re making in Ottawa County!
Matt Fenske Joins the Ottawa Integrity PAC Board
Ottawa Integrity PAC board members are pleased to announce the addition of Mr. Matt Fenske to our Board of Directors. Mr. Fenske’s wealth of experience in county government is invaluable in assessing candidates and campaigns. Matt exemplifies our values: commitment to democracy, respect for all constituents, integrity, and transparency. We look forward to a long partnership.
Mr. Fenske states: “I am joining the Board of Ottawa Integrity because I believe in local politics and the difference it can make in your everyday life. I want to be part of a board that holds representatives accountable to restore our spirit of generosity, collaboration, and respect. I respect diversity and the value it brings to the community. We need to elect leaders who recognize its importance. Under my leadership as a county commissioner, we were held in high regard by the counties within the State of Michigan. They looked to Ottawa for direction. Servant leaders ensure stable government.”
Matt Fenske served as Ottawa County Commissioner for 10 years in district 11, and was Board Chair in 2022. He chaired the County’s Community Mental Health Board, the Agricultural Preservation Board, and the County Insurance Authority. As a County Commissioner, Mr. Fenske exemplified a dedicated public servant with knowledge and integrity to serve all members of the Ottawa County community.
Mr. Fenske is currently the Chair of the Tallmadge Township Planning Commission and has served as a township trustee. Prior to being elected commissioner, Fenske had a 33-year career with the 17th Circuit Court in neighboring Kent County including Superintendent of the Kent County Juvenile Detention Center.
Matt’s County leadership focused on solutions that represented the resident’s best interest with balance, fairness, and honesty. He navigated issues of county growth while protecting the county’s stable government with transparency and accountability. He brought people together to ensure representation of all county residents, on a non-partisan basis. We need to restore services to our residents and continue to collaborate with local businesses, organizations, and educational institutions.
Ottawa Integrity PAC was formed in 2021 to support candidates for local office that uphold our Principles of Integrity.
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“Integrity” Spreads Eastward from Ottawa to Livingston County
Ottawa Integrity PAC is pleased to announce its partnership with newly formed Livingston Integrity PAC. The two groups have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, aligning their missions and agreeing to operate under the same principles of integrity.
The partnership was born when Livingston County activists Julie Ohashi and Cori Charbonneau, who founded the grassroots group Hartland Truth, approached leaders of Ottawa Integrity PAC earlier this year with a desire to join forces in pursuit of good governance.
Ottawa Integrity PAC Founder and Interim Executive Director Kim Nagy said, “We are thrilled to partner with citizen leaders in Livingston County who are facing the same challenges we have in Ottawa: extremists with no actual desire to govern, but who seek to impose a far-right agenda on our communities.”
Ohashi said, “Hartland Truth has been watching our Board of Education and administration be on the receiving end of agenda-fueled attacks. We recognized the need to organize and move forward as a PAC to keep extremists from taking over our local government. We connected with Ottawa Integrity because they have been facing the same issues. We wanted to utilize their expertise in being received by moderate voters, who share a concern about where our local politics are headed. We need to reach out to those not necessarily aligned on all the political issues, but who want to see consensus in government in a way that works for the people, not for political ideology and culture wars.
“We look forward to working with Ottawa Integrity and are excited about partnering with those who share our vision. Hopefully other communities across the state, especially in deep red rural districts, will realize that they are not alone and reach out to connect for resources and support.”
Ottawa and Livingston PAC adhere to the Principles of Integrity:
-Commitment to democracy and democratic solutions
-Commitment to honesty, transparency, and insight
-Commitment to the dignity of individuals, families, and the natural beauty in our community
and agree to work on behalf of their communities to support candidates, institutions and initiatives that reflect these principles. Both are nonpartisan political action committees authorized by the State of Michigan, and both will maintain local control and focus on issues particular to their county, sharing best practices and strategies. More information can be found at ottawaintegrity.org and livingstonintegrity.org.
Follow Ottawa Integrity PAC on LinkedIn and You Tuube
Ottawa Integrity PAC has joined with Vote Common Good-West Michigan to spearhead a new coalition
Our concerns and fears were realized at the first Ottawa County Commission meeting January 2. Once sworn in, the Impact Commissioners removed County Administrator John Shay, replacing him with Trump-supported losing Congressional candidate John Gibbs; the DE&I office was dismantled; Administrative Health Officer Adeline Hambley was made interim and they promoted Nathaniel Kelly for that position; Corporate Counsel Doug VanEssen was removed and replaced with Kallman Legal Group; and the county motto was changed from “Where You Belong” to “Where Freedom Rings”. The cries went up from across the land.
Ottawa Integrity PAC has been on the front line responding to these actions. We have met constituents, interest groups, stakeholders across the county to plan and execute responses to this Commission. Commissioners violated the spirit of the Open Meetings Act, if not the actual statute. They changed meeting procedures to allow themselves the opportunity to change meeting agendas without prior notification, again proving they have no interest in transparency – one of the issues they campaigned on.
Ottawa Integrity PAC has joined with Vote Common Good-West Michigan to spearhead a new coalition of those opposed to the policies and procedures of Ottawa Impact electees and candidates, the Unifying Coalition of Ottawa County : https://www.webelong-oc.org/, where various groups can come together for information and action steps. Ottawa Integrity PAC will continue our work supporting candidates, and will work with the Coalition to restore good governance to our home. Please go to the Coalition website above and learn more!
We would love to keep you up to date on all the great things Ottawa Integrity is doing in the County.