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Candidates with Integrity

“Integrity and Firmness is all I can promise”

-George Washington

2023 Ottawa Integrity

Candidate Endorsements

Ottawa Integrity Endorsement Seal
Ryan Cummins Grand Haven City Council
Ryan Cummins – Grand Haven City Council

I’m Ryan Cummins and I am running for re-election to the Grand Haven City Council. I have over 10 years of experience in government, including serving as a City Council Member and Mayor Pro Tem, Municipal Planning and Zoning Director, and Marine Deputy. I have a proven track record of accomplishment, including protecting the waterfront and environment, ensuring fiscal responsibility, promoting sustainable economic development, and increasing inclusion and transparency. During my years of public service, I have listened and learned from people with differing views, made well-researched, well-informed and well-considered decisions, and worked to be a consensus builder. I am committed to working with City staff, community members, and my fellow Council Members to continue to make our community a great place to live, work, and visit.” 

Andrea Hendrick - Grand Haven Mayor
Andrea Hendrick – Mayor of Grand Haven

“I’m running to be the mayor of Grand Haven because I believe we are at a critical point that requires strong, forward-thinking leadership. I’ve lived in Grand Haven my entire adult life and am now raising my four children in this wonderful community. I know that their future depends on a strong economy, a clean environment and opportunities that can only come when citizens are the driving force in the decisions of their government.

Grand Haven is a great city, but it’s going to take strong leadership to keep us relevant as surrounding lakeshore cities grow. Addressing our unfunded liability and collaboratively pursuing solutions for Harbor Island are my top concerns. Talent retention, economic growth, and affordable housing are key to addressing these goals and moving our great city forward. If elected, I will work with my fellow Council members to ensure we are not left behind.”


Devin Shea Ward 6 Holland City Council
Devin Shea – Ward 6 – Holland City Council

Devin Shea, a proud Holland native and small business owner, is running for the Ward 6 seat on the Holland City Council. With his prior service on the Holland Zoning Board of Appeals, Devin brings valuable experience to his campaign. His priorities lie in promoting measured sustainable growth, prioritizing livability, and leveraging the strength of the community’s diversity. In his spare time, Devin enjoys going on walks with his wife, Sarah, and pursuing his passion for woodworking. Spread the word about Devin Shea’s candidacy by sharing his message and encouraging others to cast their vote for him in November.

Jerry Sias for Ferrysburg City Council
Jerry Sias – Ferrysburg City Council
“I’m running to defend my seat on the Ferrysburg city Council. I feel extremely lucky to be born in Grand Haven and raised in Ferrysburg. Living in Ferrysburg I’ve come to realize what our citizens expect of its leadership and will always strive to reach those standards. I will always defend a transparent open city government, where all residents are represented. 
During my four years on Ferrysburg city council I have served on several boards and committees including The Beatification Committee, the Kitcher Linquist Hartinger dune preserve, the Economic Development Task Force, and the Renewable energy task force. I’ve enjoyed working with the community and staff moving Ferrysburg forward but have much more to accomplish.”
John Kinch Grand Haven Board of Light and Power Candidate 2023
John Kinch – Grand Haven BLP 

“I am John Kinch, running for our Grand Haven Board of Light
and Power.
My wife Wendy and I became empty nesters not too long ago:
going from living years in East Lansing and being an 1 1⁄2-drive to Lake Michigan to today being a 12-minute walk to the beach
from our Grand Haven home. Every day, we find something new to love about living here. I volunteer locally for Audubon and
serve our community on the Grand Haven Sustainability and Energy Commission.

For the last 13 years, I have been the Executive Director for Michigan Energy Options, an award-winning renewable energy nonprofit organization. Our clients include public and private electrical utilities, state and local governments, businesses, renters, and homeowners. I know this firsthand: local, innovative energy solutions provide multiple benefits to communities.
I am running for the Grand Haven BLP because I want to foster greater collaboration between our utility and the city by adding my expertise in helping Grand Haven win significant federal and state funding for Harbor Island clean-up and to increase our local, responsible, renewable energy solutions.”

Kurt Knoth for Board of Trustees Grand Haven Board of Light and Power
Kurt Knoth – Grand Haven BLP – Board of Trustees

I am Kurt Knoth, currently running as the incumbent on the Board of Trustees of the Grand Haven Board of Light & Power (BLP).  My wife and I have two children, are small business owners in Grand Haven and we absolutely LOVE this town! I am a happy customer of the BLP both as a residential and commercial customer and committed to help continue that great local customer service.

The current make-up of the board is a bit dysfunctional.  Rather than being an oversight board, the majority generally votes in line with the desires of the general manager.  Our relationship with City Council is strained at best.  We can do better!  I would also ask the voters to look at my record during my short time on the Board:  I voted against using ratepayer dollars to hire a PR firm to fight a voter-led initiative to change the city charter (the motion passed).  I voted against renewing a state permit to place a gas-fired “peaking” power plant on Harbor Island (the motion passed). Finally, I’ve questioned the need for spending $4M on a new administrative office building on multiple occasions and this line item is still in the budget.

I will commit to do what’s right for the BLP ratepayers and the citizens of our community, work with the City to clean up Harbor Island and continue to hold the BLP leadership team accountable for their decisions.” 

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